Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Well, here I go!

I am new to blogging and am not even sure what I'm doing here. I love to follow other blogs, so I figured I would give it a shot! I have named my blog "The Climb" because that's the way I am trying to think of my life. The new pop song by Miley Cyrus, The Climb, is one of my favorites. I DO have a goal of where I want to go..."what's on the other side", as the song says...but I want to enjoy the climb. And that is my new focus in life!

I will start this blog by telling you that the most important people in my life (out of many, many wonderful people) are my two children, Mitch and Stephanie! They make my "climb" worth it each and every day, no matter what else has happened! They are wonderful children who constantly tell me how much they love me. They leave little notes for me all around the house. The most recent notes that have really lifted me up are little post-it notes they left on my computer monitor. Every day when I look at these notes, I can't help but smile! The most rewarding thing about being a mother, to me, is watching them grow up and become who they are going to be. I've never had a dream, per say, of what I wanted them to become...because I've just always known that they would become who they are supposed to be! And I've tried to give them the things they needed to do just that. Sometimes, I just have to step out of the way and let them go! Their distinct little personalities from the time of their birth have been very unique and personal...and so much fun to discover. It's amazing to recall a personality trait from their toddler days and to see how it has translated into their adult (and teenage) lives.

My Stephanie was such a quite, reserved little girl who now is very sure of herself and her opinions. She stands up for herself and knows excatly why she does the things she does. I think her quite reserve in childhood was her way of gathering all the information she would need to be who she is now - a strong, independent young woman. I still can't fully imagine the potential within her!! She is going to be an amazing woman in a few years!

Mitch, on the other hand, was a very outgoing...ummmm.... strong-willed (yeah, that's a nice way of putting it) little boy. He knew what he wanted, when he wanted it...and he wanted to do it himself! He was very quick to let you know that it would be just that way! Now as an adult, he's the more cautious of the two of my children...perhaps because he has had so many "learning experiences"...putting it mildly...and has learned the hard way to proceed with caution. He seems to have more "learning experiences" than the average person. Maybe he just needs to learn things differently in order for them to "stick". He has become an awesome young man with many wonderful adventures ahead of him!

So...those are my children! They remind me each day of the beauty in the world and what I am striving for. I think my Heavenly Father for them every day! I am grateful for every choice I made that brought them into my life!

Well...I think that's about enough for day 1. I can't wait to see what inspires me to blog tomorrow!



  1. Well done Melissa. Well done.

    I'm sure when you reach the summit, the view will be amazing!

  2. Thanks, Christine! I think I'm going to enjoy this! And now I can follow your blog as well! :D

  3. Very nice start and I love keeping up with blogs. My blog should come up when you click on my name. If it doesn't, let me know.

  4. Jennie...thanks! You blog did come up when I clicked your name, and now I'm a follower! :D
